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Internal Van Racking Tips for Builders

The way in which you rack your van can have a great impact on your efficiency and ease of access of your materials.

If you’re a builder and you’re looking for some tips about how to rack your van, here’s some that you might find help you out…

Think About what you Use the Most

There will be tools you use for every job, and tools you only use every now and then, or for specific purposes.

Arranging and designing your van racking so that the tools you use more often are more accessible is something that will really help when it comes to efficiency – you won’t be spending a large proportion of your day hunting around for what you need.

If you use drills more often than hammers, make sure these are packed closer to the van doors, so you can grab them with ease!

Heavy Equipment Near the Floor

This may go without saying, but you should stack your heaviest equipment at the bottom of your van.

If it ever happens that you crash, this means less distance for heavier equipment to fall, meaning a higher chance your other equipment won’t be damaged. You’ll also experience a better driving experience, with the weight lower on the vehicle.

It also aids in reducing strain on your back when you need to lift tools in and out of your van – you’ll never need to lift these tools over your head.

False Flooring

Installing a false floor in your van is an ideal way to store longer equipment that doesn’t fit vertically. Pipes, planks of wood or even your spirit level – slotting these in underneath the floor can make a difference in the storage capabilities of your van.

Wall Hangings

There is only a limited amount of space on the floor and on shelving, so make the most of your walls! Hang your lightweight and smaller tools off hooks, and this will both save space and make them easier to reach when you need them.

Install A Slide Out Workbench

This is a modification to your racking that you might find useful if you have the space.

Installing a slide out workbench can provide the ideal place to cut materials or lay out your tools, whatever you need the space for. Having this portable surface is a great addition to your van racking if you use your workbenches often.

Safety First

Overall, it’s important to keep safety in mind when designing and installing your van racking. Using common sense and ensuring your equipment is stacked and racked in an accessible and efficient yet safe way is the ultimate tip we can give you.

At VanGuard Full Fit, we’re happy to help you design your van racking to help suit all of your building needs. To get in contact about our bespoke van racking, visit our service page here.